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General Terms and Conditions:

  1. Governing Law and Venue: The contract will be governed by the laws of Singapore. Any disputes arising from the contract will be resolved in the courts of Singapore.
  2. Formation: A contract will be formed when an offer is made and accepted, and both parties have the intention to create legal relations.
  3. Consideration: The contract must involve mutual obligations, and consideration can be in the form of money, goods, services, or a promise to do or refrain from doing something.
  4. Legal Compliance: The contract must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to the sale and rental of PMAs.
  5. Consent: Both parties must freely and willingly enter into the contract, without any duress or coercion.

General Rental Conditions:

  1. Scope: The rental agreement will cover the use of a PMA for a specified period.
  2. Forms of Contract: The rental agreement may be in writing or oral, but it must be clear and unambiguous.
  3. Offers and Service Descriptions: The landlord will provide a description of the PMA, including its features, condition, and any maintenance requirements.
  4. Right of Withdrawal: The tenant has the right to withdraw from the rental agreement within a specified period, provided they have not used the PMA.
  5. Exercising the Purchase Option for Rental Purchase: If the rental agreement includes an option to purchase the PMA, the tenant must exercise this option within a specified period.
  6. Delivery, Availability of Goods: The landlord will deliver the PMA to the tenant at the agreed time and place. The tenant is responsible for the PMA’s safekeeping and return.
  7. Prices and Shipping Costs: The rental price will be agreed upon in writing, and any additional shipping costs will be borne by the tenant.
  8. Payment Methods: The tenant must pay the rental price in accordance with the agreed payment terms.
  9. Retention of Title: The landlord will retain ownership of the PMA until the rental price has been paid in full.
  10. Warranty for Material Defects and Guarantee: The landlord will provide a warranty for any material defects in the PMA, and the tenant may be entitled to a guarantee against certain risks.
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